About us
Our kindergarten will be focused on the implementation of the Polish and British core curriculum EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage).
EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is the basis for pre-school education in the United Kingdom. According to EYFS, your child as an independent person acquires all skills related to the environment and individual development through: fun, active learning, creativity and thinking, taking into account the comprehensive development of the child on a personal, social, emotional and communicational level (in Polish and English) and very important physical development. As well as acquiring skills and knowledge that allow children to function well in the society: reading and writing skills, mathematics, understanding the world, art and its creation.
Educational classes are held daily, according to the topic and educational goals that are common for both languages. The class timetable is created by the teachers every month.
Our philosphy
Our mission is to increase the development and effectiveness of teaching English in the field of pre-school glottodidactics.
The dimension of English, as it turns out, is extremely significant, not only for us but also for the whole society. English has become an international language, which means that today’s youth not only should but actually must know it and use it skilfully. Learning the language should start from early childhood to make this process a natural method of acquiring this skill (The Natural Approach).
We would like to give children the opportunity to learn the language through situations and problems they encounter in everyday reality, where the decisive role in learning a language is played by listening to English-language statements, which in turn results in attempts to undertake independent short dialogues, making simple sentences, or asking questions that arise during, for example: activities, games, washing hands, meals and a number of other activities related to everyday life. It’s all about natural language absorption thanks to full interaction with it.
Small groups will allow us to notice and capture the uniqueness of each child, to work individually and develop the direction of their talent or predisposition. We take measure to ensure that children respect each other, accept and are aware of their differences. Due to the bilingual nature of the kindergarten, we broaden knowledge about other countries and teach acceptance and tolerance for foreigners.
We provide:
- preparing all children for studying at school
- teaching life independence
- developing social, emotional and intellectual skills
- cultivating cultural and hygienic habits
- cultivating physical fitness
- training communication skills in English
- developing skills and interests
- building children’s faith in themselves and their abilities
- individual treatment of children and their needs
- speech and psychological help
- participation in cultural life
- contact with English in natural situations of everyday life
Contact with parents
Teachers keep parents / guardians up to date with information on the child’s development, all matters related to their child and the kindergarten.
Teaching methods
- The Natural Approach
- Direct Method
- Total Physical Response (TPR)
- The method of a good start (Bogdanowicz)
- Pedagogy of fun
- Elements of music therapy and relaxation
- Creative methods of physical activity
Extra-curricular activities
- eurhythmics classes
- English classes
- speech therapy classes
- art classes
- physical education and corrective gymnastics
- other…
Cooperation plan with the environment
We plan:
- cooperation with the Police Headquarters – meeting with a police officer,
- cooperation with the Municipal Police – visit of the Municipal Guard staff,
- cooperation with Artistic Agencies, theatrical performances for children;
- cooperation with children’s parents – children’s participation in integration activities and open classes, celebration of: Grandmother’s and Grandfather’s Day, Carnival Ball, Mother’s and Father’s Day, other …
- going on trips,
- trips to interesting places of work in our district: post office, marketplace, pharmacy, hairdresser’s, grocery store, shoemaker’s, dressmaker’s.